Friday, August 5, 2016

Friday Finds // 009

Well I am currently writing this in the dead of night. I just finished my last assignment for one of my classes and I have my last examination on Sunday so this weekend is purely going to be dedicated to STUDYING! But after Sunday, I will be a free girl ... that is until mid/late August when I go back to school.

Let me be honest with you, I haven't done much perusing the internet this week so there aren't too many articles that I have found. So if you don't mind, here are two articles that I have found in past weeks that I didn't talk about in previous Friday Finds posts.

11 Overnight Hacks to Wake Up Feeling Happier Every Day - Do I need to write more? Who doesn't want to wake up happy. Recently, I feel like I am less motivated and feeling more tired than usual. I'll set my alarm earlier so I have more time in the morning, but I end up crawling back into bed. At the start of summer, I was pretty good with waking up and being instantly productive. I think it's the mentality that beautiful sunny summer is ending and I am not looking forward to it. Nevertheless, this article has some good tips. Number 2? interesting... And number 9 and 10, I'm definitely going to try that.

Reading List: Our Top 10 Summer Books - Okay, well clearly you can see that I saved this article a long while ago. But even though summer is winding down, doesn't mean that you can't read these books. I have been in a book craze recently, I am on Goodreads and I have saved 73 books on my "To Read" list in the last week. Unfortunately, I don't have a library card and I don't like buying books because I fear not liking it and getting suck with it, but once I get back on campus, I am going to fully take advantage of their library. Anyways, I'm excited about new book options and I like how this list includes book that aren't too mainstream.

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